
An Update: Goals for 2009

Back in February, I outlined my "Resolutions, nay, goals for 2009."

Here's how I'm doing so far:

1. Ride my exercise bike.
Not doing great on this one. It turns out, exercise bikes hurt. I ditched the thing in favor of walk/jogs and just recently found a gym I like.

2. Go to Chicago.
I haven't kept up with this one either. The main idea was to go places I've never been before - which I have succeeded in doing. I went to Austin last month and am set to go to Portland soon.

3. Do a lot of writing.
Sweet success! I'm writing much, much more than I originally anticipated.

4. Play more video games.
Well, I bought a PSP and went nuts on my Xbox 360. So far, so good.

5. Spend more money on myself without feeling guilty.
I've done this too. I also donated a bit to non-profits, which helps me offset the shopping guilt.

6. Open myself up more to love.
That's one heck of a tree-hugging hippy statement. I think I'm succeeding. Lots of awesome, new friends made this year. :)

7. Re-learn French.
Massive fail. I need to figure out a game plan for this one. Rosetta Stone software is expensive, but tempting. Has anyone here had any experience with it?

8. Eat a lot of dim sum.
Mmm hmm! And it shows, which is why I still need to do more of #1.

9. Go to more galleries and museums.
Thus far, this has also been a massive fail. I need to at least go to the Getty for their botanic garden and perhaps the de Yeung in SF. And maybe their Japanese tea garden.

10. At 11:59pm on December 31st, feel very, very happy.
Still workin' on it. :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

what a great list. Matt had to do an ungodly amount of Rosetta Stone French this year for the Air Force and it worked--he was fluent like 85 years ago, and could pretty much say hello and the monkey is on the table in French before, and mostly can speak again now. But of course, the Air Force was paying, so we didn't have to foot the bill.