
Update Extravaganza

I'll try and make this brief. (Is it wrong that the word, "brief," makes me snicker?)

  • My darling dog Ginger passed away. I miss her lots.
  • I adopted a troubled 5 year-old rescue pup named Cheeto. She used to be 15 pounds overweight, she has a bite history and is a Jack Russell/Corgi mix. A Cojack, apparently. (I'm currently training my boyfriend to handle her. Nipping/biting incidents: Me = 0, Boyfriend = 4+)
  • I'm preparing to travel to Austin in a couple of weeks for this. I wonder what constitutes appropriate conference attire for nerds.
  • 100,000 acres are on fire. Yes, 100,000 ACRES. The air quality is awful, atm.
  • Life has been insanely busy. I'm hoping to finish my dad's website, revamp my mom's, transfer various ecommerce sites from Cafepress to Zazzle (stupid commission structure change), hear back on a web comic, update my pathetic portfolio, finish up a couple of scripts, write four reviews, wrap up an e-interview and poke a massive design project, among other things.
I'll take some time to photoblog soon. Gotta subject all of you to pup pics and such.


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