
2010 Goals: Final tally

Time to revisit my goals and see how I done did...

1. Audition for something, anything.

Status: Fail

2. Take one of the following classes: dance, piano, acting, or voice.

Status: Semi-Fail
I found a voice teacher, but our schedules didn't mesh up until 2011.

3. Get my passport.

Status: Fail

4. Buy (and wear) a dress (I haven't bought a dress in FIVE years. Five!)

Status: Win!

5. Gussy up and attend the SF Ballet's Nutcracker (I performed in it 15 years ago. Lordy, I'm old.)

Status: Fail, with a caveat.
There weren't any performances while I was in town.

6. Read three books for fun (last year I only managed two, believe it or not.)

Status: Win!
I read Snowflower and the Secret Fan, Shanghai Girls, and The Kitchen God's Wife. I also ordered a bunch of new books to hit in 2011.

7. Visit one new place.

Status: Multiple wins.
Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky, baby. Ooooh yeah.

8. Attend more shindigs (in other words, try not to turn down invitations).

Status: Multiple wins.
I can tell I've been more social just from the number of pictures I've been tagged in on Facebook.

9. Photograph stuff. Lots of stuff.

Status: Win!
My fancy new camera died in a tragic Diet Coke accident, but I replaced it and moved on. Yay pigtures!

10. At 11:59 PM on December 31st, feel like this: :-D

Status: Win. Oh. Yes.
New Year's Eve, for the first time in ages, was full of win.

Final score: 6/10

By academic standards, 60% is not great. In terms of making memories for a life well-lived, I think it's fantastic. Here's to a fan-freaking-amazing-tastic 2011.

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