
2013 Year in Review

This year was a mix of good and bad. Lost an aunt to cancer in August, made some health gains, had some career struggles, and spent time with dear friends I hadn't seen in ages.

Ultimately 2013 was pretty good to me, especially considering how rough previous years had been. I'm also still so relieved and grateful to be living the Bay Area.

Here's how things measured up to the goals I'd set for myself:

1. Improve my health. 
I did beautifully on this front. Instead of my usual twenty thousand cold and flu bugs that last for months at a time, I got for reals sick twice. And not for long. My ankle is so improved that I'm able to walk in high heels again (it's been years - maybe since 2006). I've logged a lot of hours at the gym and am fitter than I have been in ages. I also lost about 22 pounds, but that's varied a bit with the holidays (as expected). All of this is the result of my insistence on honoring my body's natural sleep cycles and returning to a more physically active lifestyle. 

2. Take steps toward performing again.
I didn't quite get as far here as I would have liked, but I did put some feelers out into the local music scene. Hopefully these efforts will result in some more concrete activities in 2014.

3. Travel.
I didn't travel far, but I did head out to Napa and other less-traveled (for me) parts of the Bay Area. I had an incredible time in January and again in August gallivanting around with my bestie and our friend Justin - we all went to high school and college together.

4. Read.
I read fewer books this year, but I'm not actually disappointed. The highlight was probably Amy Tan's Valley of Amazement. Exquisite and had me in tears several times over.

5. Be selfish.
I was much better in this department and plan to get better still. Considering the improvements in my health, it's in my best interest to keep it up. 

6. Write.
If you count my efforts on www.qwertycafe.com, I've written MUCH more than usual. Not quite as much creative writing as I'd like, but I'm still pleased.

7. Focus. Or not.
I went with "or not," mostly because I spent more time than I'd like figuring out how to make ends meet. That's okay, but I think I'd like to focus my efforts in a more structured way come the new year.

8. By the end of the year, have at least one moment where I have felt like I was exploding with joy. 
I'd say that I looked pretty darn happy. What do you think?